Business Coach

Caroline Pasmans

Caroline is well known for her positive energy and no-nonsense management approach.

Throughout the years she worked as an HR consultant and HR manager in a very various set of companies. During that time, she never lost sight of, what for her is, the end goal: creating a very open, safe, and inclusive working environment. She coaches people in a very people-oriented management style.

Companies who follow her straight-forward and honesty-based approach create, without a doubt, better and more satisfied teams that work more efficient and are highly committed.

Can you map the success of your company, one on one with the employee growth? Are employee-satisfaction, growth, and retention topics on your priority list? Or are there specific people who could use some extra help/guidance? Caroline will stand by your side and guide you through those moments.

She helps you (re)define your hiring strategy and approach, guides and coaches towards a professional selection and hiring process and helps you finetune a market-fit pay and benefit system. She can outlay a professional onboarding and tracking process and stimulates retention by rolling out growth-plans. Coaching sessions about giving and receiving feedback are one of her strengths. All with the unwavering belief that everything starts and ends with mental wellbeing and honest communication.

Fun fact, Caro grew up in a car and motorcycle family. She is passionate about Oldtimers and spends the free time that she has on the nicest roads in and around Belgium. Free time is not a given since she is combining her job with raising her son Ed and running a little farm.


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Caroline Pasmans

Business Coach

Jade Duys

Cluster Manager

Jori Clijmans

Innovation Manager & Business Coach

Nico Deweerdt

B2B Project Partner/relations